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Green Paper Initiative Outcomes
Resume Of the Outcomes of the Consultation Process on the Green Paper for a Common Strategic Framework for Future EU Research and Innovation Funding
In May 2011 ATGENDER submitted a position paper to join the “Consultation on Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding”. Our paper emphasised the crucial importance of the Social Sciences and Humanities as key drivers and commentators in this process of innovation required by the EU. It highlighted the need for the inclusion of the gendered aspects of the objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, social and economic prosperity, and of environmental sustainability success.
On the 10th June 2011 the summary of the analysis of the consultation process was announced on the consultation website.
Our official response is one of 775 position papers and out of 2078 consultation documents in total. ATGENDER is happy to announce that its claims were considered by the authors of the idea of a Common Strategic Framework for EU Reseach and Innovation Funding. Their analysis now displays the determination that “gender balance (i.e. the equal participation of women and men in research activities at all levels) as well as gender dimension should be fully integrated in all aspects of the Common Strategic Framework, while underlining that this mainstreaming approach needs to be paralleled by specific actions and budget” (Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for EU Reseach and Innovation Funding. Analysis of public consultation., Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011, p. 19).