“Teaching with Gender” Book Series
The book series ‘Teaching with Gender’ collects articles on a wide range of teaching practices in the field of gender.
Should you want a hard copy of a specific volume, you can buy it directly from Routledge or contact the AtGender office (info@atgender-test.wp.hum.uu.nl). From volume 1 to volume 12, you can download the publications for free on our website.
If you become member of ATGENDER, you can get one copy of your choice for free.

Volume 16: Homonationalism, Femonationalism and Ablenationalism Contextualised
We are happy to announce that the new volume of the Teaching with Gender book series, titled ‘Homonationalism, Femonationalism and Ablenationalism: Critical Pedagogies Contextualised’ (Routledge 2022) is out! Edited by Angeliki Sifaki, Christine Quinan and Katarina Lončarević, this edited volume engages with a range of geographical, political and cultural contexts to intervene in ongoing scholarly…
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Volume 15: Feminist Perspectives on Teaching Masculinities: Learning Beyond Stereotypes
The newest book in our Teaching with Gender book series looks at teaching non-hegemonic forms of masculinities and highlights their diversity. The collection foregrounds and discusses concepts which are described and gathered as positive, caring and inclusive masculinities, thus offering a timely and much-needed counterpoint to discussions of so-called toxic masculinities. The volume presents a…
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Volume 14: Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching and Learning
We are happy to announce that the new volume of the Teaching with Gender book series, titled ‘Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching and Learning’ (Routledge 2018) is out! Edited by Sara de Jong, Rosalba Icaza and Olivia U. Rutazibwa, it features 4 sections (Knowledge/Voice/Institutions/Disciplines), each one starting and ending with a manifesto. In between…
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Volume 13: Teaching Gender. Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis
Edited by Beatriz Revelles-Benavente and Ana M. González Ramos, Teaching Gender: Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis (Routledge, 2017) addresses the neoliberalization of the university, what this means in real terms, and strategic pedagogical responses to teaching within this context across disciplines and region. Inspired by bell hooks’ “transgressive school” and Donna Haraway’s “responsibility”, this collection promotes…
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Volume 12: Teaching With Feminist Materialisms
As a growing and wide-spanning field of research, teaching, and collaboration, feminist materialisms are taking up increasing space in our pedagogical settings, especially in queer and feminist classrooms. Whether as a theoretical topic, as a methodological strategy for conducting research, or in developing learning tools, feminist materialisms work to foreground the complex forms of…
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Volume 11: Teaching against Violence
Many international organizations denounce that the systematic lockout of women from social and political power is responsible for the phenomenon of double/multiple discrimination, so that in every social category, the status of women is always the lowest. This severe injustice is at the core of the situation of violence which still remains in the…
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Volume 10: Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives
Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives: The Power of Information was conceived of as a pedagogical tool, aimed at stimulating gender studies teachers to critically reflect, together with their students, on libraries and archives as profoundly gendered knowledge spaces. Whilst feminist standpoint theory with its recognition that knowledge always emanates from and is produced within…
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Volume 9: Teaching “Race” with a Gendered Edge
Teaching “Race” with a Gendered Edge responds to the need to approach the idea of race from a feminist perspective. This collection of essays aims to broaden our understanding of both race and gender by highlighting the intersections and intertwinedness of race, gender, and other axes of inequality. The book also points to…
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Volume 8: Teaching Intersectionality
The concept of intersectionality is at the heart of debates about the future of equality policies in Europe. How do different identities interact and affect the opportunities for individuals and groups in society? Public policy used to focus on one or another aspect of equality, such as gender, sexual orientation or physical abilities. The question…
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Volume 7: Teaching Empires
What is the relationship between gender and empire? How will a focus on gender generate new knowledge about histories of empire? The aim of Teaching Empires is to critically examine questions about imperial effort, as remembered, displayed, denied, mythologized or obscured in various European contexts. The book draws upon the research and teaching of scholars…
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