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AtGender Spring Conference 2014
Dear candidate,
this is the application form for AtGender grant for the Spring Conference in Barcelona, June 2014. The application form is designed for those who are AtGender members, who paid their yearly fee, who are going to participate in the upcoming conference and whose papers have been accepted.
If you want to apply for the grant, e-mail us at and we will send you this form in Word format
When filling the form you are supposed to answer these questions:
1. Your name ________________________________________________________________
2. Is your paper accepted (yes/no) ________________________________________________
3. Your professional status (student, researcher, doctor etc) ________________________________________________________________
4. Your work place _____________________________________________________________
5. Your approximate income (per month) __________________________________________
6. Your most important reason for this grant application: _________________________________________________________
7.Indicate, please, whether you are willing to receive the registration-fee-waiver in case your grant application is rejected (yes/no)
8. Submit this form online and enclose the copy of your passport.
The applicants will be accepted regarding the above-mentioned issues and its credibility.
The committee will be considering grant applications within the next following week after which you will get the response from us. Please, note: with or without grant you need to register anyway!
Therefore, we ask you to be quick with you application.
We wish you success!
P.O. Box 164
3500 AD Utrecht
The Netherlands
Information of Registration Fees:
ATGENDER members: 100 euros
Non-ATGENDER members: 180 euros
Students: 60 euros
A modest scheme of grants will ensure especially participation of institutional and student members who are involved in activities of ATGENDER.
Importantly, attending to its members’ needs, the conference will enable working groups to meet and further advance their collaboration.
During the conference, the General Assembly for ATGENDER and Elections of the new Board members will take place.
The General Assembly will also form a space for the ATGENDER members to engage in inspiring conversations with the Board members.
Conference Organizers
Anna Cabó, Barcelona Provincial Council, Francesca Bonnemaison Centre, Spain
Soledad Bravo Letelier, Barcelona Provincial Council, Francesca Bonnemaison Centre, Spain
Mónica Pagés, Barcelona Provincial Council, Francesca Bonnemaison Centre, Spain
Aino-Maija Hiltunen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Edyta Just, Linköping University, Sweden
Sveva Magaraggia, University of Rome III, Italy
Berteke Waaldijk, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Alexandra Woelfle, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Zinayida Olshanska, Utrecht University, The Netherlands